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Data export

Data Export allows you to bulk export received forms data from Jadu Central for processing and MI reporting. Data export supports both classic and modern forms.

To bulk export received form data you'll need to create a new export configuration. The configuration defines the criteria used to match data to export. Once a configuration has been created an export using that configuration can be requested via the Control Center as an one-off export, on a schedule or via the API. Data export requests are processed in the queue which runs every 10 minutes.

After an export has been processed, Control Center users selected within the configuration are notified that the files are ready to be downloaded via email. Export files can be downloaded via the Control Center or via the data export API.


Payment data is not exported with the form data, to export payment data please use the export option in the PayBridge module.

Data export list view

Data export configurations define how the data export will operate. Data export configurations apply to a single form, to export all data for a service area multiple exports need to be configured for each form belonging to the service.

  1. Click the Forms icon in the left navigation bar. The Forms menu will open.
  2. Click the Data Export link. A list of data export configurations will now be shown.

Changes made to live forms affect data export. Changes that will affect exported data are:

  • Deleting a question, section or page
  • Changing the question type (for example changing from a textfield to an address lookup)
  • Rewording a question text (the latest question text will be used)
  • Moving a question from one section to another

Export existing data before making any of the changes above to ensure all data associated with the user form is exported correctly.

Running a Data Export Job

There are three ways to run a data export, one-off, scheduled and via the API. All exports regardless of how they are initiated are run in the background via a queue.

The queue runs every 10 minutes. Jobs added to the queue are processed in the order in which they are received. A maximum of 5 data export jobs are processed during each running of the queue.

Once the export job has finished processing Control Center users, configured in the notification settings on the export configuration are notified by email.


Data retention options are provided to ensure that data files and log entries are not retained indefinitely. See the form settings page for more information about Data file lifetime and Log lifetime.


One-off exports are initiated from the Control Center as and when needed. When initiated an export job is created and added to the queue at the time it was requested.

  1. Navigate to the data export configuration page
  2. Click the Run Export button. This will add a data export job to the queue for processing. A confirmation message will be shown to confirm the job is in the queue for processing.

Scheduled exports

Scheduled exports are exports that are created periodically by the export scheduler. Regular exports can be scheduled using the export scheduler, when the scheduler runs the export job is added to the queue for processing.


Developers can integrate their own applications to request and download files via the data export API.

Data export fields

NameUsed when referring to the export in the Control Center and email notifications, so it should be descriptive for the job
FormA form to export the received data for. You can only export data from one form per export.
CriteriaThe criteria for the data export from the following options, use the And link to specify more criteria. You must define at least one condition.

Started date: When the user started the form. See Behaviour of Date Criteria for descriptions of how dates are calculated.
Submitted date: When the user submitted the form. See Behaviour of Date Criteria for descriptions of how dates are calculated.
Status: Choose to include only forms that have the status incomplete or submitted. Excluding this condition will include forms of both statuses.
Received Form: Choose to include only forms that are retentioned or not retentioned. Excluding this condition will include all forms regardless of their data retention status.
Output dataForm Data: A file in your chosen format (CSV, XML or JSON) containing the received form data (Metadata, Logics and/or Responses) will be created.
File Uploads: A single zip file containing all attachments uploaded by users as part of their form submission to file upload questions will be created. If selected and no attachments were uploaded the zip file will be empty.
Generated PDFs: A single zip file containing all PDF files generated by the Create PDF of Submission action will be created. If selected and no PDF files were generated by the user forms matching the export criteria the zip file will be empty.
Form data formatAn output format from CSV, XML, or JSON.
Include form dataWhat data to include
Metadata: Variables/placeholder values such as the registered users details, started and submitted dates, reference numbers etc... will be included.
Logic: Form logic results. If a logic has run more than once on a form the last execution result is included. If the logic hasn't run the value in the data file will be an empty string.
Responses: Responses to form questions will be included.
Send email notification toWhich Control Center users to notify once the data export job has finished processing
ConnectorWhether to send the export files over FTP, SFTP or SCP using a Connector


The response to a question is missing from my export: If the same phrase is used for both a section name and a question name, with the same pageID, this can cause data to be excluded from an export. Use unique terms to ensure all values are exported successfully.