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There are three logs for an export: Notification, File Access and API.

Viewing logs

  1. Navigate to the Data Export management area and open the export record.
  2. Click the Log tab. A list of log records run will be shown. From here the different log types can be viewed and filtered.

Filtering log entries

All log entries can be filtered using the Filter records field. The Filter records field will match a value in any of the columns. For example, entering the Job ID will filter the notifications log to only notifications sent to that job.

Resending a notification

From time to time it you may need to resend notifications that are sent when an export completes. You can resend email notifications, webhooks and data files over a connector from the logs tab. Resending a notification will add a new entry to the notifications log.

All notifications can be resent by clicking the Resend button in the Notifications log.

Resending an API response

Messages sent from Jadu Central to your application can be replayed by clicking the Replay button in the API log. This action will send the same message to your applications Callback URL.

Log types

Notification LogWhen an export completes notifications are sent, these notifications are logged in the Notifications log.
There are three types of notification:
  1. Email: sent to Control Center users assigned to the export in the configuration. The email provides a link to the export so the user can download the files.
  2. Connector: status of the exported files transfered over a connector connection.
  3. Webhook: notification sent back to the calling application when an export is initiated via the API.
File Access LogJadu Central records all accesses to files downloaded from data export in the File Access log. Use the file access log to view how the file was accessed, when it was accessed and the download method.
API LogInteractions recevied and sent via the API are recorded in their own log, the API log.
The API log displays interactions with the API for the export. You can view more details of an interaction by clicking the Details button on the log entry. This will open a modal that will display the recieved or sent request body and the received or sent response.