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Data Export API

The API provides endpoints to initiate an export, download export files and rerun a previously run export. Your application will be notified with status updates via webhook to the Calling URL as the export job status changes.

To use the API you must create an application for the export, you will be given a secret token to use in your requests. For details on how to integrate with the data export API see the Developer Guide.


It is not possible to delete an application, if an application is no longer needed disable the application.

Creating a new scheduled export

  1. Navigate to the Data Export management area and open the export record.
  2. Click the API tab and then click the New Application button.
  3. Complete the application details, enable the application and click the Save button to save your changes.
  4. You'll now be shown the unique token to use in your requests when using this application. Make a note of the access token as it is only shown once. Use the Copy button to copy the token to your clipboard. Click the Finish button.

API application fields

NameA descriptive name to help you identify the application at a later date.
Callback URLThe URL used to notify your application when the export status changes. The URL must use https protocol.
EnabledThe status of the application.