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The events content type let's you create and manage a calendar of events on your website. It includes functionality such as recurring events, public event submission and saved venues.


You must create your event location records before attempting to create events.

Managing events

Events are managed via the Publishing menu.

If your account has permission to access events, you navigate to their management area by the following:

  1. Click the Publishing icon in the left navigation bar. The Publishing menu will open.
  2. Click the Events link in the second group of links. A list of events will now be shown, with links to create new events if your account has the appropriate access permissions.

Events fields

Event form

The following fields are provided to store data about events.

TitleTitle will be used as your event headline on your organization’s website.
CategoriesLocation of this event in your site's navigation structure. See Categories for further details.
MetadataHidden information about this event. See Metadata for further details.
Start dateDate on which your event is due to take place or the date it is due to start from
ImageAn image for the event from the Image Library. See Image library for further details.
Repeat eventSpecifies the pattern by which this event recurs in the event period.
End repeat afterThe end date of the period in which your event will repeat.
Times (start and finish)What time the event is to start and finish
LocationLocation of where your event is to take place
CostWhat cost is involved for attending the event. If your event has no cost value we advise you enter Free.
SummaryShort description of what your event is about, limited to 200 characters.
DescriptionLong description of your event. See Text editor for further details.
Pick of the week?Promote this event as the featured event.

Setting when your event recurs

The following options are available when configuring how often your event recurs.

No repeatThe event happens once, on the date specified as the event start date.
DailyThe event happens every day between the event start date and the event end date.
WeeklyThe event happens once, or more, in a week and occurs on those weekdays every week between the start and end date.
Every two weeksThe event happens once, or more, in a week and occurs on every other week between the start and end date.
Monthly, on this dayThe event happens every month on this day between the start and end date. For example, the first Monday of every month between 1st January 2018 and 1st December 2018.
Monthly, on this dateThe event happens every month on this exact date between the start and end date. For example, the 15th of every month between 1st January 2018 and 1st December 2018.

After adjusting these options, the event recurrence calendar will update to show the new days of your event when viewed.

Adding and removing dates from events

  1. When editing the event, click the View/Edit Upcoming Repeated Dates button to see the dates the event is due to occur.
  2. Navigate through the event recurrence calendar to the date you wish to add.
  3. Click on the date you wish to add. The date will go green, and a plus icon will be displayed top right above the date.
  4. Alternatively, click on the date you wish to remove. The date will go red, and a stop icon will be displayed top right above the date.
  5. Click the Save button.

Clicking Reset calendar before saving the event will restore the default pattern. Changing the repeat option will also cause the calendar to reset.

Choosing an event location

  1. When editing the event, click the Assign Location button. The "Assign location" panel will open.
  2. Select an existing location from the left panel by clicking on the location name. The panel will update to show details of the selected location.
  3. Click the Set location as: [location name] button to select the location.
  4. Click the Assign Location button to close the "Assign location" panel.
  5. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Location is not saved when the "Assign location" panel is closed. You must click the Save button to save your changes.

Publically submitted events

The Events publishing module includes a public event submission form where visitors to the live website can submit an event suggestion. After the website visitor clicks the Submit your event button, they receive an event submission notification.

The submitted event details will await approval/amendment in the Events Pending area of the Events publishing interface.

  1. Click the Publishing icon in the left navigation bar. The Publishing menu will open.
  2. Click the Events link in the second group of links. The events management area will open.
  3. Click the Events pending tab. The list of submitted events will be shown.
  4. Click the title of a submitted event to open it for editing. Complete the metadata and category details for the submitted event, and review the submitted content to ensure it meets your organisations publishing standards.
  5. Click the Save button to save your changes. The submitted event will now be moved from the "Events pending" list to the "Events" list if you need to make further changes later.
  6. To publish the submitted event on your website, you will now need to click the Submit button to progress the event through the publishing workflow.

Before the event submission can be approved and published, the event details require categories and metadata to be completed in the Control Center.