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MyAccount Widgets


MyAccount widgets are additional functionality and may need to be installed on your website before they're made available in the homepage designer. You'll also need a Jadu Connect] account to benefit from these widgets.

In addition to the standard widgets that are available with Jadu Central, additional MyAccount widgets may have been installed to help you manage customer interactions with their account. Widgets can be used to build pages using the homepage designer.

Basic Widgets

MyAccount: Signed out content

The signed out content widget gives you an opportunity to explain why a user should create or use an account. The reasons typically include:

  • Easily view, access and manage your direct digital interactions
  • Return to forms that you have started or completed
  • Keep track of payments and balances
  • Access things like Council tax or Benefits information through a portal on the page (if available)

Use the WYSIWYG text editor to add the information you want to display to the visitor. This could include guidance, videos, maps, images and links.

MyAccount: Sign in

The sign in widget requires no additional setup, other than applying styles as required.

You can use widget styles to hide the register or sign in buttons and display the two options separately.v Example: Birmingham City Council ‘BRUM’ Account

The My Account: Links widget automatically displays hyperlinks to enable the customer to access and edit their personal information or password. Clicking on the link redirects the user to their Jadu Connect account page.

My Account: Links widget in the control center

My Account: Links widget on the live site

MyAccount: My Address

The My Account: My Address widget automatically displays the primary address the user provided when they registered their account.

The My Account: My Address widget includes an option to add a change of address form if required

Forms widgets

Jadu Central includes a forms page ( which lists all of the live and visible forms on the site.

MyAccount: Forms

Once a customer starts a form they may not be able to complete the form in a single session. Jadu Central saves their progress so that the customer will be able to resume the form later, but the customer may need help to find the form again or a reminder to complete the form.

The My Account: Forms widget lists a customer’s forms in progress as well as their recently completed forms. This allows customers to resume their forms from the point where Jadu Central saved their progress without needing to find the form again. They can also review the details they supplied on previous form submissions.

The My Account: Forms widget allows you to customise the text that appears in the Submitted Forms and Unsubmitted Forms sections of the widget.

Payment Widgets

Jadu comes with a payments page ( which automatically lists the areas on the site which are connected to a payment service.

In many cases, customers don’t need to visit the payments page as the process can be integrated as part of a form using Jadu Paybridge.

MyAccount: Payments

The online payments widget allows customers to view any services they have added to their payments ‘basket’ from their my account page. It can be used to collect payments for bespoke services like event bookings, or against invoices that have been issued.

MyAccount: PayBridge Balance Lookup

It is possible to manually import balances for billed payments into Jadu Central using a text or CSV file. This allows the customer to enter a reference number (from their bill or invoice) and check the balance of their payment. The balance lookup widget uses a check digit routine (set up in Paybridge) to validate the reference number and return the outstanding balance, which the customer can then click to pay using the payment service connected to it.

Balances can be imported to Jadu either via the Control Center or FTP to enable customers to access billed payments online

Widgets for interactions with the website

MyAccount: Directory submissions

The Jadu Central Directories feature allows you to accept submissions to a directory (for example for community or fundraising events, or local businesses or services) from your website visitors (subject to approval). The directory submissions widget will automatically display any pending or published directory entries submitted by the customer.

The MyJadu API allows third party developers to request site content to be returned to them as XML, which they can use to build their own applications based on the content of a Jadu Central site.

Displaying information from Jadu Connect

There are a few widget options to choose from for displaying data to the customer about cases they have raised in Jadu Connect. Choose from compact, verbose table or verbose list.

Each option allows you to add the title of the list, choose which filter is used to return the list, and the number of cases to show.

You can use the Jadu Connect widgets to show specific filters, for example on a page specifically for Highways you could use the widget to show the customer cases they have raised about potholes by adding the filter name for the pothole case type.

MyAccount: CXM cases compact

MyAccount: CXM cases verbose table

MyAccount: CXM cases verbose list

MyAccount: CXM Service Widget

The MyAccount: CXM Service Widget can be used to assist customers to interact with a specific service, for example complaints, benefits or housing. Configure the widget in settings to display the most recent case linked to a specific service, and add links to information, signposting, forms and other resources for additional support.

Setting up the service widget

The widget title you use will not display on the page, it provides information to the user configuring the widget. The description you provide will show on the page.

You can create filters in Jadu Connect and make them available to all users, so customers can access them too. When you create a filter the filter name will be in all lower case and any spaces will be replaced by hyphens.

Use the action form to explain what the widget is for. It could be for monitoring a complaint or a more intensive process like a housing application.

Use the link options to provide signposting to further information to support the customer to work with you.

The link you add to the My Account: Organisation Account Links widget will redirect the user to your business homepage so they can manage organisational transactions separately.

The MyAccount: Organisation Links widget works in the same way as the MyAccount: Links widget, providing links for the user to go straight to the relevant area in Jadu Connect where they can manage or make changes to their account details.

You can use any MyAccount: CXM cases widget to display an organisation-specific case list to the user by referencing a filter.

Integration widgets

MyAccount: Northgate Citizen Access widget

The MyAccount: Northgate Citizen Access widget provides a convenient route to the NEC Software Solutions Citizen Access Benefits (CA-B) and Citizen Access Revenues (CA-R) Single Sign-On Connector. The Connector is set up in your Jadu Connect account and once complete the widget is available for you to use on your My Account page.

When you have set up the widget customers will be presented with links to the Northgate portal

The MyAccount: Northgate Citizen Access widget contains options to redirect users to the portal based on their signed-in status. Signed in users who have registered will be taken straight to their accounts.

Creating custom My Account widgets

Developers who want to work with Jadu can create custom widgets to surface additional or custom data in My Account.

Birmingham City Council uses a custom widget to show information about bin collection dates to users when they sign into their account