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Perceptive Content - Search Widget

The Perceptive Content - Search Documents Widget is similar in functionality and implementation to that of the View Documents Widget.

The widget will display search results from a Perceptive Content View, with authenticated access restrictions.

The intentional use case is to assist front end / non-licensed users in finding documents such as invoice / purchase orders against the user identifier where this value is associated, but could equally be used in other cases where the user must fully match a Document key value in order to obtain the search result.


This widget does not utilize enterprise search solutions such as “Perceptive Search”, simply relying on an exact key match within the elected field.


This widget differs from Perceptive Content - View Widget in that:

  1. The front end user is presented with a search box within which to enter the value that must be fully matched in order to display a resulting document. This search box can also be pre filled by the page administrator with relevant text e.g. “Enter PO number”.
  2. The page administrator simply picks which Document Key / Field is to be searched for an exact match to the value supplied from point 1 - this is called the Perceptive Content Search Field.
  3. Upon clicking Search the matching documents are displayed in the tabular format of Perceptive Content - View Widget.
TitleThe heading of the widget.
Search Text PrefilA user friendly label for the search field.
Perceptive Content ViewThe View in Perceptive Content to retrieve files from.
Authenticated user access onlyRestrict the records shown to Documents within the View that match the unique user account identifier of the authenticated user.
Perceptive Content User ID FieldProvided when authenticated access is enabled. Specify which Field / Document key within Perceptive Content stores the associated user identifier for when the application performs matching. The current field options are limited to Field / Document keys 1 through to 5.
Perceptive Content Search FieldThe Document Key / Field to be searched for an exact match to the value supplied.

Example output

Perceptive Content - Search Widget front-end user experience after searching for invoice “HGF2345”

API endpoint usage
