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Adding supplements

Supplements can be added to document pages and homepages.


To edit page supplements you must have the appropriate access permission assigned to your account in admin privileges.

To add a supplement, try the following:

  1. Open the document page or homepage record, and click the Page supplements tab.
  2. Click the New supplement button. The supplement form will open.
  3. Select the type of supplement to add from the dropdown menu. The page will refresh to show you the form fields associated with that supplement type. Types include Advert, Contact, EGov Contact, ESRI map, Further Information, Image and Navigation.
  4. Existing supplements of your chosen type will be listed in the Select existing drop down menu. And can be associated with this record if chosen.
  5. Select the page location from the Placement drop down menu. The options provided will depend upon the configuration of your site.
  6. Complete the supplement fields, if you're not choosing an existing supplement, and click the Save supplement to save your changes.