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Galaxies site comparison

Galaxies sites contain a subset of the total Jadu Central functionality, details are shown below.

Interface tools

The dashboard, Two factor authentication, and Software release notifications are only available on the Main site.


The following publishing tools are only available on the main site:


Forms module, Paybridge module and FormBuilder are only available on main site. Forms can be embedded in site pages on both Main site and Galaxies sites.


All marketing tools are available on Main site and Galaxies sites.


Most utilities are available for both Main site and Galaxies site.

However, the following are only available on the Main site:

The Metadata manager is only available on Galaxies sites.

Translation workflow

Translations functionality works primarily with Galaxies sites. Translation task generation is only available in Galaxies sites.

The Translation task list and Language packs are available on Main site and Galaxies sites.

Translator management and Translation mapping management are only available on the Main site.


Integrations are generally available for both Main site and Galaxies sites.

However Deployer is only available for the Main site.


All extension points are available for both Main site and Galaxies sites. Including:

  • Event listeners
  • Scheduled tasks
  • Custom content types
  • Custom modules
  • Custom widget
  • Custom supplements
  • MyJadu API