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Galaxies themes

A number of themes are provided with Jadu Central, with additional themes being available on Jadu Library.


Spectral screenshots

Theme settingNotes
Site logoSpecify the logo to be used within the theme (minimum recommended size 35px x 35px)
Site banner imageSpecify the image to be used for the theme's page banner (minimum recommended size 1920px x 1080px)
Site banner textThe text to be displayed on top of your sites index page banner (if left empty defaults to site name)


Editorial screenshots

Theme settingNotes
Site logoSpecify the logo to be used within the theme (minimum recommended size 50px x 50px)


Alpha screenshots

Theme settingNotes
Site logoSpecify the logo to be used within the theme (minimum recommended size 35px x 35px)
Site banner imageThe image to be used for the themes index page banner (minimum recommended size 1920px x 1080px)
Site banner textThe text to be displayed on top of your sites index page banner (if left empty defaults to site name)


Phantom screenshots

Theme settingNotes
Site logoSpecify the logo to be used within the theme (minimum recommended size 37px x 37px)
Show site nameToggle the visibility of the Galaxy site name
Accent colourCustomise the themes accent colour (a hexidemical colour value e.g: #f2849e)


Dopetrope screenshots

Theme settingNotes
Site logoSpecify the logo to be used within the theme

Gov.UK design system

A theme is available based upon Gov.UK design system. It brings together the latest research, design and development from across UK government.