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Password reset

Form to input a new password.

Route name


URL pattern






Page class


Acceptance criteria

  • Redirects to https if ssl is enabled
  • Redirects to appropriate url if user adapter change password page is specified
  • Redirects to index and error message shown if user not logged in and password reset code invalid
  • Redirects to user home and error message shown if user logged in and password reset code invalid
  • Form includes old password field, new password field, new password confirmation field and submit button
  • If change has been forced, forced hidden input printed
  • Error message is shown if password is less than 6 characters
  • Error message is shown if password is greater than 30 characters
  • Error message is shown if new password is not the same as new password confirmation
  • If errors are found, submitted values are shown in form fields
  • If no errors found, password is updated
  • If password is updated, reset code is disabled.