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Event submission

Form for public submission of a new event.

Route name


URL pattern






Page class


Acceptance criteria

  • Form includes title, start date, interval, end date, start time, end time, location, new location, cost, summary, description, image fields and submit button
  • Error shown if start date is invalid date format or empty
  • Error shown if end date is invalid date format
  • Error shown if auth field is empty or invalid content
  • Error shown if title empty or greater than 255 characters
  • Error shown if new location is greater than 255 characters
  • Error shown if location does not match a valid location id
  • Error shown if summary is empty or greater than max summary character limit
  • Error shown if description is greater than 65535 characters
  • Error shown if start time is not in time format
  • Error shown if end time is not in time format
  • Error shown if cost is empty or greater than 255 characters
  • Error shown if start date is after end date
  • Error shown if image is not an image file of type jpg, jpeg, gif or png
  • If errors are found, submitted values are shown in form fields
  • If no errors found, event is submitted and image uploaded
  • Image should be appended to description of submitted event
  • Submitted event should not be live and visible on the website immediately after submission
  • Image should appear in the site image library with valid title
  • Event should have valid metadata
  • Email notification of new event submission should be sent
  • If event submitted, redirect to event list and show success message