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Directory record list

List of directory records in a particular category.

Route name


URL pattern






Page class


Acceptance criteria

  • Page errors if directory is offline - 404 response
  • Page errors if an invalid category id is passed - 404 response
  • Directory specific metadata is used
  • Breadcrumb includes directory article
  • Breadcrumb includes directory category path
  • Category adverts are included
  • Category description is only rendered if completed
  • List of records in category is shown
  • List item includes record title and link to valid directory record path
  • List of subcategories is shown
  • List item includes category name and link to valid directory category path
  • List of records is paginated
  • 50 records shown per page
  • If page number is greater than 1, a previous link is shown
  • If more pages exist than the current page number, a next link is shown