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A to Z article

A single A to Z of services entry and any associated contact details.

Route name


URL pattern






Page class


Acceptance criteria

  • Page errors if an invalid service ID is passed - 404 response
  • Page errors if the service is offline - 404 response
  • Page redirects to appropriate URL if service has redirect set
  • Breadcrumb includes A-Z list
  • A to Z record metadata is included in the page
  • Title, content, eligibility, accessibility and availability content is rendered on the page
  • Multimedia items are rendered in service document editor content
  • Eligibility section is only shown if it has been completed
  • Accessibility section is only shown if it has been completed
  • Availability section is only shown if it has been completed
  • Contacts section is only shown if it has been completed
  • Each contact assigned to service is printed
  • Contact name is only printed if it has been completed
  • Contact department is only printed if it has been completed
  • Contact email is only printed if it has been completed
  • Contact telephone is only printed if it has been completed
  • Contact mobile is only printed if it has been completed
  • Contact fax is only printed if it has been completed
  • Contact URL is only printed if it has been completed
  • Contact address is only printed if it has been completed
  • Contact email is rendered as a mailto: link
  • Contact telephone is rendered as a tel: link
  • Contact mobile is rendered as a tel: link
  • Contact URL is rendered as a link
  • Approved version is shown
  • HTML content is rendered unencoded