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Privilege levels

Privilege levels are used to designate steps in a custom workflow.

  1. Click the Utilities icon in the left navigation bar. The Utilities menu will open.
  2. Click the Workflow link in the third group of links.
  3. Click the Privilege levels tab, and a list of current privilege levels are shown.

Privilege level fields

Privilege level interface

TitleThe name of the new level.
Content ViewView all or only your own content.
Image libraryBasic image browsing or the ability to upload images.
Document Editor PresetSelect the level of access to the Document Editor associated with the role.
Create ContentEnables an administrator to create content.
Update ContentEnables an administrator to update content.
Delete ContentEnables an administrator to delete content.
Apply Settings To Assigned Admins?If editing an existing privilege level, you can apply the settings to all assigned administrators by selecting Yes.

The Content View, Image Library, and Document Editor Preset values will overwrite assigned administrators current privileges.

Changing level order

  1. Navigate to the Privilege level area. A list of current privilege levels are shown.
  2. Click the Up and Down arrows at the end of each row to reorder the levels as required.

Assigning admins to a level

Administrators are assigned to a privilege level from the Administrator management area.