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Troubleshooting Email

Emails from the system are not being received.

Check the SMTP server settings have been correctly configured for your domain, and that the from and to addresses are valid and actual email addresses.

OpenSSL error seen in logs

By default, SMTP transports now perform TLS peer verification.

This may cause the following error to appear in logs where a self-signed SSL certificate is in use for the SMTP server:

Unable to connect with STARTTLS: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed

This behavior is configurable by defining the VERIFY_PEER element in mail.xml and setting the value to 0.

<system xmlns:config="">

Although it's not recommended to disable this verification for security reasons, it can be useful while developing the application or when using a self-signed certificate.