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Command line interface

cli.php is a command line wrapper for running commands that aid administration of your Jadu Central. Commands includes functionality such as clearing cache, fixing version data or resetting stuck queues. In the near future, additional commands will become available.

cli.php has been written in a way so that's it's easily extendable. Each command is added to config and must extend the Jadu\Abstracts\AbstractCommand class.

Jadu Central is shipped with a command line tool to assist system administrators in performing some of the most commonly used actions on the server, such as clearing the cache, initialising schedule tasks, etc.

The cli.php script is located in the home directory of Jadu Central.

php cli.php --list Lists all the available commands. php cli.php [command] --help Displays detailed usage for the said command.


Clears the database, symfony and configuration cache for a site.

siteurlSite for which the cache needs to be cleared. If no siteURL is given, all sites' cache will be cleared.

php cli.php cms:clear-cache php cli.php cms:clear-cache


To fix the schedule tasks that may be stuck in the past. This resets the nextRunDate and scheduleTime in the JaduScheduleTasks table of mainsite and galaxies sites.

php cli.php cms:fix-queues


To import a DTF file into the database. As a pre-requisite, LLPG_DTF_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY constant should be set, llpg file should be made available in the said directory with write permissions.

php cli.php cms:import-llpg


Find and replace the URLs in the text fields in the database. We suggest running the command with --findOnly prior to making the actual replace.

-f, --find=TEXTString to be matched in the database.
-r, --replace=TEXTString to be replaced in the database.
--useRegexFlag to be set if the user intends to find the string using regex.
--findOnlyFlag to be set if the user intends to only find the string and not replace.
--site=SITESite on which the database find and replace needs to be executed.
--preserveTimestampFlag to be set if the user intends to make changes to database without updating the modification date/time.

php cli.php cms:db-find-and-replace --find "foo" --replace "bar" php cli.php cms:db-find-and-replace --find "foo" --replace "bar" --findOnly php cli.php cms:db-find-and-replace --find "f[\w]+" --replace "bar" --useRegex php cli.php cms:db-find-and-replace --find "foo" --replace "bar" --preserveTimestamp php cli.php cms:db-find-and-replace --find "foo" --replace "bar" --site ""

Calling commands from code

To call commands from code you must use the CommandInvoker. This is available from the Jadu_Service_Container object.

$invoker = Jadu_Service_Container::getInstance()->getCommandInvoker();

// To get an array of commands defined within config $invoker->getConfigurableCommands();

// To get an array of available commands $invoker->getAvailableCommands();

// To run a single command called "myCommand" $invoker->run('myCommand');

Data generation

The cli tool supports random generation of select entities records. Currently, the supported types are:

  • admins
  • users
  • documents
  • news
  • events
  • downloads

The generation command is only available in the Symfony DEV environment, thus commands must be prefixed with SYMFONY_ENV=dev, provided no environment variable is set.


The command follows the format:

php cli.php test:generate:<type_name> <amount>


  • type_name is one of the aforementioned supported types.
  • amount is the number indicating the amount of the type to geneate.

For example, say we wanted to generate 10 documents, we'd run the following command within the home directory of Jadu :

SYMFONY_ENV=dev php cli.php test:generate:documents 10