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Queue allows long tasks, processing large amount of data to be run in the background of the application to prevent memory exhaustion.

They have been introduced into a number of areas, and will become a point of extension in the near future.

The following queue are set up during installation and are required by the application for proper function.

directory.exportCSV export of directory records
jadu.emailSending of bulk email
directory.importCSV import of directory records
galaxiessites.archiveArchiving directory and deleting database of deleted Galaxies sites


The current status of queues can be checked in the Control Center where they are listed in "Utilities" >> "System information".

Retention of completed jobs

How long completed jobs are retained in the database can be configured in data_retentions.xml config file. This is accomplished by adjusting the value of completed_queue_jobs.

By default the values is set to 24, but can be adjusted to any suitable number of hours. Further details can be found in the retention policy section

Queue configuration is XML based. Rename queue.xml.example as queue.xml in path/to/jadu/config to create the configuration file.


See our troubleshooting guide for more information on troubleshooting Queue jobs.