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Scheduled Tasks

Whether running on Linux or Windows, Jadu Central requires a number of tasks to run regularly in the background at fixed times.

Linux installs use the software utility Cron by adding entries to the crontab. Windows installs use the Task Scheduler. The required entries are added by the Jadu Central installer when installing the software.

There are several tasks present as standard in a Jadu Central installation.


See our troubleshooting guide for more information on troubleshooting Scheduled tasks.

Task master

  • Linux script: scheduled_tasks_master.php
  • Windows script: run_tasks_master.bat
  • Frequency: Every 10 minutes.

The Task master initialises processing of Jadu Central JaduScheduledTasks table. This table contains content managed scheduled tasks relating to the processing of the queue, sending of scheduled reports and other repetitive tasks. The Task master gets each unique database entry from the JaduSiteRegistry table and triggers scheduled_tasks_slave.php for each database. This causes JaduScheduledTasks to be processed on the main site and each Galaxies site.


  • Linux script: rescheduleStalledScheduleTasks.php
  • Windows script: run_rescheduler.bat
  • Frequency: Daily

If Task Master fails to run, for example because there has been a system outage, Rescheduler will reset the values in JaduScheduledTasks table to ensure that no tasks become stuck.

Content schedule

  • Linux script: content_schedule_updater.php
  • Windows script: run_content_schedule.bat
  • Frequency: Runs at 00:30 every day.

The Content schedule task processes entries in JaduContentSchedule. This table contains scheduled content tasks, such as making content live or visible and also reminds admins to review their content. Only some of the Jadu Central content types, such as documents, news items and events, can be added to the content schedule.

Website statistics

  • Linux script: looking_glass_process_log.php
  • Windows script: Run_looking_glass.bat and run_looking_glass_range.bat
  • Frequency: Runs at 00:01 every day.

Website statistics task processes the server's access log files and inserts the processed data into the Jadu Central website statistics database tables. The processed data powers reports on page visits and visitor data.

Apache restart

  • Linux script:
  • Windows script: no equivalent
  • Frequency: Runs every minute.

Restarts Apache when a configuration change is made to a Galaxies site, such that the Apache vHost file is altered eg. adding a domain. If apacherestart.txt is present in the application tmp directory, Apache is restarted.

Forms specific tasks

Data retention task

Script: /jadu/xforms2/ScheduledTask/DataRetention.php
Interval: tenminutes
Function called: runDataRetentionTask
Function arguments: none

This task is responsible from running data retention policies that may have been setup in Jadu Central forms.

Purge expired events task

Script: /jadu/XFormsPro/EventBooking/ScheduledTask/ExpiredEventPurgerFunction.php
Interval: tenminutes
Function called: purgeExpiredEvents
Function arguments: none

This task removes events from calendars (Outlook, Google etc...) where the event has not been confirmed within the allocated time. For example if an event has been reserved via a booking form but the booking wasn't paid and therefore wasn't confirmed, this task clears up the reserved event in the underlying calendar engine.

Purge expired uploads task

Script: /jadu/XFormsPro/Form/FileUploads/ExpiredUploadPurgerFunction.php
Interval: tenminutes
Function called: purgeExpiredUploads
Function arguments: none

This task removes uploaded files which did not become attached to a submission. As most file uploads are done via AJAX, files are uploaded independently on the customer clicking Next to proceed through the form. When the customer does click Next, uploaded files are linked to the submission. If, for any reason, a file is not linked to a submission after an hour, this task will remove it from the file system.

Send CRM digest tasks

Script: /jadu/XFormsPro/CRM/ScheduledTask/CRMDigestSenderFunction.php
Interval: daily
Function called: sendCRMDigest
Function arguments: none

Running once per day, this task sends a summary of any CRM interactions that have taken place in the past 24 hours.

Scheduled data export (Legacy Data Export)

Script: /jadu/xforms2/ScheduledTask/FileOutput.php
Interval: daily or weekly
Function called: doXFPFileOutputSchedule
Function arguments: id

When this task runs a scheduled data export for a form is run and the data sent via a Connector or over Email to the nominated destination.

There could be multiple entries for this task.

Event booking synchronization task

Script: /jadu/XFormsPro/EventBooking/ScheduledTask/SyncExternalEventsFunction.php
Interval: tenminutes
Function called: syncExternalEvents
Function arguments: none

This task will synchronize any external events with events stored locally.

PayBridge balance import task

Script: /jadu/PayBridge/AccountBalance/ScheduledTask/BalanceImportFunction.php
Interval: tenminutes
Function called: runBalanceImport
Function arguments: none

This task will import any balance files that have been uploaded to the server via the Balances Control Center page in the last ten minutes.

User deletion request processing task

Script: /jadu/XFormsPro/User/ScheduledTask/UserDeletionRequestProcessorFunctions.php
Interval: tenminutes
Function called: actionUserDeletionRequests
Function arguments: none

This task will process any scheduled deletion requests, deleting or anonymising the user forms of a user whose account has been removed from Jadu Central. Deletion requests can be reviewed and scheduled for processing in the Deletion Requests interface.

Bank holiday update task

Script: /jadu/XFormsPro/ScheduledTask/BankHolidayRetrieverFunctions.php
Interval: daily
Function called: retrieveBankHolidayData
Function arguments: none

Queries once a day, to obtain an up to date list of UK bank holidays.

Data Export scheduling task

Class: Jadu\XFormsPro\ScheduledTask\DataExportScheduler
Interval: tenminutes

Runs every ten minutes, and is responsible for creating jobs and adding them to the processing queue as required by any Data Export schedules created in the Control Center.

Data Export retention task

Class: Jadu\XFormsPro\ScheduledTask\DataManagementRetention
Interval: daily

Runs daily, removing logs and data files in line with the retention settings specified under Forms > Settings.