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Deleting content

You can use Jadu Central to permanently remove content from your site, assuming your account has the appropriate permissions assigned.

Items can either be deleted individually, or in bulk.


Deletion is a final action, content can not be retrieved later. If you will need the content later, archive it instead by changing its status to "not live".

Deleting a single item

  1. Open the content you wish to delete.
  2. Click the Actions menu and click the Delete option when the menu opens.
  3. Confirm the change, the application will show a success message and the content will be deleted.

Bulk deleting content

To delete content in bulk, try the following:

  1. Navigate to the management area for this content. You will see a list of content in a table.
  2. Check the checkbox next to each item you want to delete.
  3. Click the Actions menu to open it, and click the Delete option.
  4. Confirm the change, the application will show a success message and the content will be deleted.

Some content types can not currently be deleted in bulk. These include:

  • announcements
  • A to Z contacts
  • councillors
  • parties
  • polls
  • wards