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Default URLs

If a document or homepage has been assigned to multiple categories, the application can generate multiple URLs based on its URL structure configuration.

Multiple URLs pointing to the same page of content can have a negative impact on the page's search result position, as search engines may penalise the page as duplicate content.

Jadu Central prevents this by using a single URL to access these pages. By default, the URL will be generated using the first category assigned to the page.

Default URL panel

If you wish to adjust this, try the following:

  1. Open the document header form for the document, and click the Actions menu.
  2. Click Default URL link when the menu opens. The "Default URL" panel will open.
  3. Adjust the slug, or select the default URL from the options provided, and click the Update button to save your changes.


Slugs are generated for documents and categories, based on document title and category name.

Each slug is unique, the application will resolve any conflicts by appending numbers to the end of the slug.

Slugs are generated by:

  • Replacing spaces with dashes
  • Removing stop words from the title
  • Changed to lowercase
  • Special characters removed

Stop words are the most common words in a language. They're often ignored by search engines, and as such are removed when slugs are generated from content titles.