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User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

UAT of templates

Once the templates (including any custom developments), content and services have been built, you should carry out a full end to end site test.

A log should be used to track issues. You can choose to use the templated UAT log.

Depending on the type of issue, Jadu resources will need to be involved for any template / software related issues.

During the testing process:

  1. You will raise all issues via the UAT log
  2. We will review any raised issues with you and provide feedback
  3. We will resolve issues identified, retest and deploy fixes
  4. You will sign off UAT acceptance following testing

A Community Central Test cases template is available.

Load and Penetration testing

Before going live with a new site / infrastructure, you may choose to carry out load and / or penetration testing.

Load testing is carried out to see how much traffic can be handled by the infrastructure before performance is degraded.

Penetration testing is used to check the system for any exploitable vulnerabilities.

Neither of these test services are provided by Jadu and should you require these, you should consult other reputable suppliers.

Please be advised, documentation will need to be completed before such tests are carried out.

If either of these tests are required in the project, the timelines will be extended.

Project Acceptance

Before going live with the site a project acceptance form must be completed by the customer.


Note for Partners: Jadu has built a templated project acceptance document that can be used.