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Post Install Configuration Steps

These tasks should be carried out to after installation.

  • Add Software License Key: You will need to request a license key for the domain upon which Jadu Central has been installed. This can be requested via Jadu Support. Once you have received a license key, enter the key in Jadu Central.
  • Enable Forms: Once the install is complete, log into the Jadu Control Center and enable forms in the form settings page.
  • Update your admin privileges: Navigate to admin privileges, From here you can update the privileges of any users that need to access to Forms or PayBridge pages.
  • Publish a Category List: Before you can create any content, you will need to have published the site taxonomy. This can be done using the Category Builder.
  • Update site settings: Head to site settings and set:
    • site name: Type the name you wish to use for your implementation of the Jadu platform. This will be used in the Control Center breadcrumb and within metadata.
    • site keywords: A comma separated list of terms, which accurately reflect the organisation, its services etc, including the phrases that people might try to and search for when using a search engine. Used within metadata.
    • site description: This is a short description about your organisation. It usually consists of 25 to 30 words or less using no more than 160 to 180 characters total (including spaces). The Meta description also shows up in many search engine results as a summary of the site.
    • default email address: Type the default email address to be used to send automated emails from.


If you plan on using any integrated applications, such as Perceptive Content or Hyland OnBase, after installing head to the integration hub to enter your configuration details and enable the integration.