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FAQs and Troubleshooting

Can we use AD accounts rather than the SQL auth accounts created by the Jadu installer to provide the application access to the database?

Unfortunately, the driver we use connects using SQL Authentication and cannot use Windows (e.g Active Directory Domain Account) Authentication.

The instructions indicate Java version 8. Is this just the minimum version or must we use this version?

Jadu Central supports Java versions 8, 9 and 10.

The instructions indicate PHP for SQL Driver 5.8. Can we go with a higher version as long as the PHP and server versions are in the Microsoft compatibility matrix?

The version compatible with the version of PHP in use should be used, although we are aware of an issue with version 5.10 and 5.11 as documented in the upgrade guidance -

PHP Wincache module used to be required for installing Jadu. Now, the instructions indicates NOT to install it. Is this supposed to be enabled or not?

A previous Jadu installer checked for the presence of Wincache although this was not required or recommended for use with the Jadu application once Opcache was included in later versions of PHP. The updated installer does not include this check and it is no longer required.