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One or more prerequisites are not installed

At the start of the installation process a check is made for Java and PHP modules FileInfo, Soap and Internationalisation. If any of these prerequisites are not installed you'll get output similar to:

Checking prerequisites are installed...
The following prerequisites are not installed:
- Java
- PHP FileInfo
- PHP Soap
- PHP Internationalisation
Do you want to continue with the installation? [Y/n]:

Enter n to quit the installation process and install the prerequisite for your platform.

After installation the XFP version is 0.0.0

When Jadu Central forms is installed its version is set to 0.0.0, the installer only installs the bare minimum required to allow a patch to the latest Jadu Central version to take place. If you are seeing the version number as 0.0.0 then the step to patch to the latest Jadu Central version has been missed. To resolve, deploy the latest Jadu Central patch to the server.

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: There is no extension able to load the configuration for "sensio_framework_extra"

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: There is no extension able to load the configuration for "sensio_framework_extra" (in /var/www/jadu//var/config/cc/xfp/../../xfp/config_all.yml). Looked for namespace "sensio_framework_extra", found "framework", "twig", "jadu_routing", "jadu_core", "jadu_cc", "jadu_cc_route", "security", "doctrine", "sdk", "swiftmailer", "monolog", "jadu_main_site", "platform", "menu_manager", "cms_cc" in /var/www/jadu/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Loader/YamlFileLoader.php:399

If the above error is being produced after patching Jadu Central you'll need to check the config.

  1. Open /path/to/config/modules.xml

  2. Uncomment the following line <xfp><config:constant name="MAIN_HOME_DIR" />var/config/xfp</xfp>

  3. Delete config cache php /path/to/cli.php cache:clear

  4. Warm the cache by running

    php -d memory_limit=512M /path/to/cli.php cache:warmup --kernel=cc
    php -d memory_limit=512M /path/to/cli.php cache:warmup --kernel=frontend

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: The parameter "cms_semantic_version" must be defined.

When the patch finishes you will get an error as the patch tries to run the command to clear the cache. This error can be safely ignored.

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: The parameter "cms_semantic_version" must be defined. in /var/www/jadu/var/cache/symfony/cc_prod/jaduProdProjectContainer.php:4255         

Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/jadu/vendor/jadu/symfony-bridge/src/DependencyInjection/ServiceLocator.php(56): jaduProdProjectContainer->getParameter('cms_semantic_ve...')
#1 /var/www/jadu/jadu/Version.php(54): Jadu\Symfony\DependencyInjection\ServiceLocator::getParameter('cms_semantic_ve...')
#2 /var/www/jadu/jadu/Service/Container.php(977): Jadu\Version::getVersion('semver')
#3 /var/www/jadu/cli.php(51): Jadu\Service\Container->getCommandInvoker()
#4 {main}
thrown in /var/www/jadu/var/cache/symfony/cc_prod/jaduProdProjectContainer.php on line 4255

If the above error is produced after patching Jadu Central you'll need to clear and warm the cache manually.

  1. Delete the contents of the cache directory /path/to/jadu/var/cache/ manually

  2. Now warm the cache

    php -d memory_limit=512M /path/to/cli.php cache:warmup --kernel=cc
    php -d memory_limit=512M /path/to/cli.php cache:warmup --kernel=frontend

Cannot connect to the database during the installation process.

Check the database credentials, and confirm that the database server is running. If using a separate database server, check that incoming connections are allowed from the IP address of the web node, and that the firewall allows the required port.