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Sets the status and comments of the specified form submission reference. The append, status and comments values must be sent as POST values in order to update these values.


  • api_key (required)
  • id (required)
  • append (required POST - append to or overwrite existing comments)
  • status (required POST - new status of the user form record)
  • comments (required POST)

Valid status values include:

  • 0 [Pending] The first state for a user form "Pending" i.e. not yet in progress, pending review.
  • 1 [Progressing] The second state for a user form "Progressing" i.e. in progress, pending review.
  • 2 [Completed Approved] The third state for a user form "Completed Approved" i.e. completed, successful application.
  • 3 [Completed Declined] The fourth state for a user form "Completed Declined" i.e. completed, unsuccessful application.
  • 4 [Completed Data removed] The fifth state for a user form "Completed" and personal data removed.
  • 5 [Terminated] The sixth state for a user form "Terminate" i.e. reviewed and found to be dummy "mickey mouse" like applications.

Example request:


Example response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<userForm id="123456">
<comments>Status updated by CRM action.</comments>