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Below are a couple of example error responses as they would be returned as XML by the MyJadu API following a request.

Invalid API Key

    <error code="1000" message="Invalid API key" time="1389879630"/>

Missing required argument

    <error code="1018" message="Missing or invalid query argument"

Error Codes

A reference list of all MyJadu API error response codes is provided below.

  • 403 - Forbidden
  • 404 - Not found
  • 500 - Internal error
  • 1000 - Invalid API key
  • 1001 - HTTP user-agent header is required
  • 1002 - Invalid resource
  • 1003 - Resource not available
  • 1004 - Method not available
  • 1005 - Page out of range
  • 1006 - Missing or invalid category_id argument
  • 1007 - Missing or invalid id argument
  • 1008 - No such document
  • 1009 - Missing or invalid date argument
  • 1010 - Missing or invalid date range arguments
  • 1011 - A single alphabetical character is required
  • 1012 - At most 100 items can be requested per page
  • 1013 - Missing or invalid directory_id argument
  • 1014 - No such directory
  • 1018 - Missing or invalid POST field