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Access restrictions

By default, the API is not accessible. In order to use the API a registered user of the site must apply for an API key.

The following options, available in the access restrictions tab, determine the availability of the API:

  • Disabled: The API cannot be accessed by anyone.
  • Public: Users registered on the website can request an API key. Users who request an API key will be automatically granted one.
  • Private: Users registered on the website can request an API key. The request must be approved by an administrator of the Jadu Control Center who has access to the API module.

Available content

Depending on the modules implemented by your organization, the MyJadu API has the potential to access the following content:

  • Categories
  • Directories
  • Documents
  • Downloads
  • Events
  • News
  • Status

The following are only available on the main site:

  • Councillors
  • Councillor Wards
  • Forms
  • Meeting Minutes: Committees
  • Meeting Minutes: Meeting Attachments
  • Meeting Minutes: Meeting Attachments Types
  • Meeting Minutes: Meetings
  • Received Forms
  • Services

Enabling the API for these areas of content means that any content available on the website can also be accessed as XML.

Changing access restrictions

  1. Click the Settings icon in the left navigation bar. The Settings menu will open.
  2. Click the API link in the fifth group of links. The list of site visitor API keys will be shown.
  3. Click the Access Restrictions tab. The "Access Restrictions" form will open.
  4. Update the access restriction values, and press the Save button to save your changes.

Access restriction fields

Access restriction form interface

API Application AccessThe state of API access on the website.
API Module AccessWhat data from the website is available via the API.