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Retrieves a list of all the downloads that are live and approved within the Platform.


  • api_key (required)

Example request:


Example response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<downloads page="1" pages="1" per_page="10" total="4" order_by="">
<download id="4">
<title>Galaxy nebulae</title>
<category id="20000" name="Category One"/>
<file id="5" title="Galaxy nebulae image" size="52138"
filename="one.png" modDate="1359711565"/>
<download id="5">
<title>Caldwell 12 - Fireworks</title>
<category id="20001" name="Category Two"/>
<file id="6" title="Caldwell 12 - Fireworks image" size="73341"
filename="one.png" modDate="1359711719"/>
<download id="6">
<category id="20002" name="Category Three"/>
<file id="7" title="Andromeda image" size="70592"
filename="one.png" modDate="1359711814"/>
<download id="7">
<category id="20000" name="Category One"/>
<file id="8" title="Jadu image" size="58679"
filename="one.png" modDate="1359712879"/>