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Retrieves all live future events.


  • api_key (required)
  • per_page (optional - default 10)
  • page (optional - default 1)

Example request:


Example response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<events date_from="2013-02-04" date_to="2014-02-04" page="1" pages="1"
per_page="5" total="3">
<event id="2463" pick_of_week="0">
<title>Demon Drink? Temperance and the Working Class</title>
<location>People’s History Museum</location>
<content><![CDATA[<p>Visitors will be...]]></content>
<category id="500004" name="Category one"/>
<event id="1544" pick_of_week="0">
<title>Community Tennis Club - Thursday</title>
<location>Chorlton Park Tennis Courts</location>
<content><![CDATA[<p>Contact: 0161 881 9014</p>]]></content>
<category id="100009" name="Category one"/>
<category id="500043" name="Category two"/>
<category id="500045" name="Category three"/>
<event id="2195" pick_of_week="0">
<title>Health Walk - Blackley Forest</title>
<location>Blackley Forest, Victoria Avenue entrance</location>
<content><![CDATA[<p>Half an hour&#39;s ...]]></content>
<category id="500004" name="Category one"/>
<category id="500039" name="Category two"/>
<category id="500069" name="Category three"/>