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Form reports


For reports that include a Time Period setting, when you select the option "In the following date range", two additional settings are available:

  • From: the date to start the report on.
  • To: the date to end the report on.
Average time taken to complete a form summaryThis report shows you how long it takes to complete a specific form categorised by public and internal submissions in the report time period.Form: the form in which to run the report against.
Time Period: the time period in which to run the report against.
Customer service advisor summaryThis report shows you the total amount of form submissions for each admin in the report time period.Time Period: the time period in which to run the report against.
Forms by channelThis report allows you to view all forms by the channel (web, internal, embedded).Channel: filter to show only forms in this channel, or all forms.
Forms by form builder versionThis report allows you to compare the number of modern and legacy forms on the site.No settings
Forms by live statusThis report allows you to view all forms in the system and refine them by their live status (live, not live, and archived).Status: filter to show only forms with this specific status, or all forms.
Forms by visible statusThis report allows you to view all forms that are visible or not visible on the site. This form will not include any forms that are marked as internal only.Status: filter to show only forms with this specific status, or all forms.
Forms owned by adminThis report allows you to view all forms owned by a particular admin.Admin: the admin user in which to run the report against.
Forms using actionThis report shows you all the forms using the selected action.Action: the form in which to run the report against.
Forms without an ownerThis report allows you to view all forms that do not have an owner.No settings
Popular FormsThis report shows you how popular forms are based on the amount of submissions they've received in the report time period.Time Period: the time period in which to run the report against.
Received forms by formThis report shows you all the received forms for the selected form in the report time period.Form: the form in which to run the report against.
Time Period: the time period in which to run the report against.
Received forms by customer service advisorThis report shows you the completed forms submitted by the advisor in the report time period.Advisor: the admin user in which to run the report against.
Time Period: the time period in which to run the report against.
Received forms submitter summaryThis report allows you to view the amount of forms received by each type of user in a period.Time Period: the time period in which to run the report against.
Received forms summaryThis report shows you a summary of (in)completed form submissions in the report time period.Time Period: the time period in which to run the report against.
Received forms by customer service advisorThis report shows you the completed forms submitted by the advisor in the report time period.Advisor: the admin user in which to run the report against.
Time Period: the time period in which to run the report against.