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Content reports

Category page statusGenerates a list of category name and category ID for all categories that match the current status. Category status can be set as either has a category landing page assigned, or no category landing page assigned.
Content auditGenerates a CSV content log of all content held on site for a future content audit. This report is resource intensive to generate, and as a result will emailed to the address provided in the report settings as a CSV attachment.
Content by live statusGenerates a list of type, title and page URL for all content that matches the given status. Status can be set as live or not live, and can be filtered by content type.
Content by visible statusGenerates a list of type, title and page URL for all content that matches the given status. Status can be set as visible or invisible, and can be filtered by content type.
Content modified in periodGenerates a list of type, title and page URL for all content that was modified in the given time period. Time period can be set as last 24 hours, last week, last month, last 6 months and last year.
Content not modified in periodGenerates a list of type, title and page URL for all content that was not modified in the given time period. Time period can be set as last 24 hours, last week, last month, last 6 months and last year.
Content owned by adminGenerates a list of type, title and page URL for all content that is owned by a given admin.
Content without an ownerGenerates a list of type, title and page URL for all content that has no owner.
Locked contentGenerates a list of type, title, page URL and lock expiry time for all content that is currently locked.
Scheduled content changesGenerates a list of type, title, action on expiry, valid from date, valid to date, and page URL, for all content that has a content schedule currently applied.
Translation tasks outstandingGenerates a list of date, locale translated to, locale originating from and source content for all translation tasks outstanding on the system.
Widget usage reportGenerates a list of all widgets, with a count of their usage and a link to the widget in the widget manager page.
Workflow tasks outstandingGenerates a list of action, type, title, Page URL, and date created for all outstanding workflow tasks on the system.