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Preparing a Windows 2019 server for Jadu Central

First review our system requirements to ensure that your environment meets our minimum requirements.

Note: the wincache extension, if present, must be disabled.

Microsoft SQL Server 2019

Install Microsoft SQL Server 2019 according to Microsoft documentation. In the Feature Selection pane of the SQL Server 2019 Setup, check the following features:

  • Database Engine Services
    • SQL Server Replication
    • Full-text Search

During the installation of SQL Server you will need to select which system accounts and startup type you wish to use according to the table below:

ServiceAccount NameStartup Type
SQL Full-text Filter Daemon LauncherNT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICEManual

On the Database Engine Configuration screen, choose "Mixed Mode Authentication", and provide a strong password for the user "sa". Make a note of this password.

Note: The installer requires passwords are UTF-8 compatible.

You will also need to provide at least one Windows user account, in the "Specify SQL Server administrators box".

Additional services

We recommend installing the following additional services:

Enable MS SQL for Remote Access

In the SQL Server Configuration Manager, under protocols for MSSQLSERVER, enable:

  • Shared memory
  • Named pipes
  • TCP/IP

These changes will require restarting SQL Server. To do this, open Services.msc (this can be found by clicking "Start" and then typing "Services.msc" in the search box on the Start Menu). Locate "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)", right-click it and select "Restart".

IIS 10.0

  1. Open Windows Server Manager and click "Add Roles & Features" from the Quick start section in the main panel.
  2. Click "Next" to begin selecting roles for the server.
  3. When prompted to select an installation type select "Role-based or Feature-based" and click "Next".
  4. You will now need to select the server to install the roles on. Make sure the "Select a server from the server pool" is selected and then choose the server you are connected to from the box below it and click "Next".
  5. Check "Web Server (IIS)" from the list and add any features that it shows are required.
  6. Make sure to check the following services are enabled under Web Server, and click "Next":
    • Common HTTP Features - include all sub items
    • Performance - include all sub items
    • Health and Diagnostics
      • HTTP Logging
      • ODBC
      • Request Monitor
    • Security
      • Request Filtering
      • Digest Authentication
      • URL Authorization
      • IP and Domain Restrictions
    • Application Development
      • .NET Framework 4.6
      • ASP .NET 4.6
      • CGI
    • FTP Server
    • Management Tools
      • IIS Management Console
      • IIS 6 Management Compatibility, including all sub items
  7. Check that everything required is listed and click "Install".

SMTP Server

An SMTP server is required for email originating from Jadu Central. This can be a remote SMTP server or you can configure the local server to act as an SMTP server.

To set up a local SMTP server:

  1. Open Windows Server Manager and click "Add Roles & Features" from the Quick start section in the main panel.
  2. Choose "Role-based or feature based installation" and click "Next"
  3. Select the "Select a server from the server pool" option and then choose the current server from the list and click "Next"
  4. Click "Next" to move on to the feature selection page.
  5. Within the Feature selection window, check the box next to "SMTP Server".
  6. You may be prompted to add required role services and features, in which case these should be added. Click "Add Features".
  7. Click "Next" to be taken to the confirmation page.
  8. Check that everything required is listed and then click "Install"

IIS URL Rewrite

Install IIS URL Rewrite extension from the Microsoft site.


Before installing PHP on your system please install the following:

Windows builds of PHP can be downloaded from For use with IIS and FastCGI the x64 Non Thread Safe version of PHP 8.1 should be downloaded.

  1. Extract the downloaded zip to a folder of your choice. For example C:\PHP\.
  2. Open the folder you extracted PHP to and make a copy of php.ini-production and rename it to php.ini
  3. Open this php.ini file and ensure the extension_dir setting is set to the ext folder within your php installation.
  4. Open the Control Panel, click System and Security, click System, and then click Advanced system settings.
  5. In the System Properties window, select the Advanced tab, and then click Environment Variables.
  6. Select Path under System Variables and click Edit.
  7. Add the path to where you extracted PHP onto the end. For example ;C:\PHP. Click OK.
  8. Open IIS Manager. Select the hostname of your server and double-click Handler Mappings.
  9. Click Add Module Mapping in the Action panel.
  10. Enter *.php in the Request Path. Select FastCgiModule from the Module menu.
  11. Type the full path to Php-cgi.exe into the Executable box. For example C:\PHP\Php-cgi.exe
  12. Enter a suitable name into the Name box and click OK
  13. Return to the main screen for hostname.
  14. Double click Default Document.
  15. Click Add in the Action panel and enter `index.php into the Name box then click OK
  16. Return to the main screen for hostname.
  17. Double click MIME Type
  18. Click "Add" from the right hand menu
  19. In the dialog box that opens specify .webmanifest in the filename extension box and application/manifest+json in the MIME type box

Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server

Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server 5.8 can be downloaded from

  1. Download the Windows 8.1 zip file, extract the file
  2. Copy the x64 versions of DLL to the location of the php extension directory. For example C:PHP\ext\
  3. Add the lines below to the end of the php.ini file:


Can be downloaded from

  1. Download the x64 Non Thread Safe version of PHP 8.1 and extract the files.
  2. Copy the DLL to the location of the php extension directory. For example C:PHP\ext\
  3. Add the lines below to the end of the php.ini file:

Enable PHP modules

Add the lines below to the end of the php.ini file:


Search within the php.ini file for:

  • extension=intl
  • extension=soap
  • extension=fileinfo

And ensure they are uncommented. If the line starts with a semi-colon (;) the line is commented out, remove the semi-colon to uncomment the line.

Note: the wincache extension, if present, must be disabled.

You will now need to restart the server to allow the changes made to the PATH variable to take effect.


On Windows systems, clam can be installed by downloading a zip file from - the mingw version should be selected.

  • Extract the downloaded zip to C:\ClamAV\
  • Create two empty folders named db and tmp inside the C:\ClamAV\ directory
  • Using the Windows command prompt, navigate to C:\ClamAV and run:
> clamd --install
> freshclam
  • Open services.msc, set the Clam service to have a startup type of Automatic
  • Make sure clamd.log has write/modify permissions for users (i.e users group)

Web statistics

The default field settings for IIS logging will result in no results being shown in the web statistics report. For the application to correctly parse IIS log files, IIS field settings must be adjusted as follows:

  • date
  • time
  • s-sitename
  • s-ip
  • cs-method
  • cs-uri-stem
  • cs-uri-query
  • s-port
  • cs-username
  • c-ip
  • cs(User-Agent)
  • cs(Referer)
  • cs-host
  • sc-status
  • sc-substatus
  • sc-win32-status
  • sc-bytes

Setting up Database users

Jadu Application requires 3 different database users to run the application. We recommend to create 3 users with the following names.

  • jadu
  • jaduGM
  • jaduGU

Make sure the password for these users strictly adheres to the organization policy. Please ensure passwords are UTF-8 compatible.

Note: The privilege of the users will be altered using installation.

Updating the PHP configuration

As standard, Jadu make a few changes to the distribution PHP configuration file to improve security and prevent common errors from being raised:

In php.ini we need to:

  • Disable .user.ini by uncommenting the line
  • Disable exposing of PHP
  • Allow MySQL reconnections
  • Set the level of error logging
  • Set an appropriate time zone
  • update the max_input_vars configuration value

By changing the following lines:

user_ini.filename =
expose_php = Off
mysqli.reconnect = On
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
date.timezone = Europe/London
max_input_vars = 1250

Java Runtime for Forms

Jadu Central forms require additional prerequisites to be setup prior to installing. Ensure the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed.

Jadu Central forms uses the JRE to generate PDF files of form submissions.


Jadu Central supports both Oracle and OpenJDK JRE versions. Jadu supports Java versions 8, 9 and 10.

The JRE should be callable via the command line, to test run the command in terminal/command prompt:

java -version

You should have output similar to:

openjdk version "1.8.0_282"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_282-b08)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.282-b08, mixed mode)

Enabling ImageMagick


These instructions assume you are using PHP 7.4

To enable the Convert to Tiff Option within the Jadu Central forms action, you will need to install ImageMagick, its associated PHP Plugin, and Ghostscript.

  1. Download Non Thread Safe (NTS) version for your version of PHP e.g. PHP 7.4 x86.
    • Extract to C:\php location or your chosen equivalent.
    • Add or ensure the installation directory (C:\php) is in the system PATH environment variable
  2. Download ImageMagick zipped archive Release e.g. e.g. PHP 7.4 x86.
    • Extract to: C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageMagick.
    • Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced Settings -> Environment Variables -> New System Variable -> MAGICK_HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageMagick\bin
  3. Download equivalent ImageMagick DLL
    • Extract the php_imagick.dll file to C:\php\ext
    • Extract the CORE_RL_* files from the archive to to C:\php
  4. Edit your php.ini file and add / uncomment extension=php_imagick.dll line in extensions section.
  5. Download and install Ghostscript 10.0.0 for Windows
    • Install to C:\Program Files\gs\gs10.00.0
    • Make a copy of C:\Program Files\gs\gs10.00.0\bin\gswin64c.exe and save as "gs.exe" in the same gs bin folder
    • Edit System Environment Variables - Check PATH has above included
  6. Restart IIS and check phpinfo() for imagick plugin and supported formats (should NOT be "0")
    • Can check at: https://{your install domain}/jadu/maintenance/phpinfo.php
  7. If last step does not work, try restart Windows and re-check

Assuming this is visible, you should now see Convert to tiff option within the relevant forms configuration page.

It is worth after this step ensuring that you setup a Form with PDF output and Tiff conversion enabled to test that the actual Tiff is converting to an acceptable quality (there are some further config adjustments possible if necessary), and is able to be pushed into Perceptive Content successfully.


You're now ready to begin the installation process.
