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Preparing a Linux server for Jadu Central

First review our system requirements to ensure that your environment meets our minimum requirements.

We recommend using the IUS repo to install PHP and the official MariaDB repo to install MariaDB.

Once you have installed all the prerequisites, we can start setting up the environment to install Jadu Central.

Setting up application users

Create the basic Jadu Central install user and the group user for Apache. For ease we will assume we're installing as the user jadu and, if using Fast CGI and SUExec, the user and group jadu-www.

useradd -d /var/www/jadu -m jadu  
useradd -d /var/www/jadu -s /sbin/nologin jadu-www
usermod -a -G jadu jadu-www
usermod -a -G jadu-www apache
chgrp jadu-www /var/www/jadu
chmod 770 /var/www/jadu

Set strong passwords for each user. Although the jadu-www user has login disabled, setting a strong password is recommended.

passwd jadu  
passwd jadu-www

Setting up database users

The Jadu application requires 3 different database users to run the application. We recommend creating 3 users with the following names.

  • jadu
  • jaduGM
  • jaduGU

Make sure the password for these users strictly adheres to the organization policy.

Note: The privilege of the users will be altered using installation.

Updating the PHP configuration

We recommend that as standard, a few changes are made to the distribution PHP configuration file to improve security and prevent common errors from being raised:

In /etc/php.ini we need to:

  • Disable .user.ini files by uncommenting the line
  • Disable exposing of PHP
  • Allow MySQL reconnections
  • Set the level of error logging
  • Set an appropriate time zone
  • update the max_input_vars configuration value

By changing the following lines:

user_ini.filename =
expose_php = Off
mysqli.reconnect = On
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
date.timezone = Europe/London
max_input_vars = 1250

Set Selinux to permissive

Instructions are not currently available for configuring SELinux to work with Jadu Central. It must therefore be disabled by running the command:

setenforce 0

Open /etc/sysconfig/selinux and change the line containing SELinux to:


Finally, reboot the system:


Add application user to ClamAV group

On Linux servers the clam daemon user, usually clam, will need to be given read/write access to any files being scanned. This can be achieved by adding the clam daemon user to the jadu-www group.

usermod -a -G jadu-www clam

Java Runtime for Forms

Jadu Central forms require additional prerequisites to be setup prior to installing. Ensure the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed.

Jadu Central forms uses the JRE to generate PDF files of form submissions.


Jadu Central supports both Oracle and OpenJDK JRE versions. Jadu supports Java versions 8, 9 and 10.

The JRE should be callable via the command line, to test run the command in terminal/command prompt:

java -version

You should have output similar to:

openjdk version "1.8.0_282"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_282-b08)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.282-b08, mixed mode)

Enabling ImageMagick


These instructions assume you are using PHP 7.2

To enable the Convert to Tiff Option within the Jadu Central forms action, you will need to install ImageMagick.

    yum install php72u-pecl-imagick.x86_64

Add `` to php.ini file.

To find the path to php.ini, execute the following command

php -i | grep "Loaded Configuration File"

Then restart Apache:

systemctl restart httpd

Assuming this is visible, you should now see Convert to tiff option within the relevant forms configuration page.

It is worth after this step ensuring that you setup a Form with PDF output and Tiff conversion enabled to test that the actual Tiff is converting to an acceptable quality (there are some further config adjustments possible if necessary), and is able to be pushed into Perceptive Content successfully.


You're now ready to begin the installation process.
