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Customising date format

Default date format in Photon is jS F Y. This format can be changed by adding a date_format value to the config.yml file.

  • Main site: {JADU_HOME}/config/frontend/config.yml
theme: base
fixture_set: base
date_format: Y-m-d
  • Galaxies sites: Can be configured per site in {JADU_HOME}/config/galaxyms_jadudb_{SITE-ID}/config.yml
date_format: Y-m-d


- { resource: config.yml }
  • Blogs:

All blogs follow the date format defined in the database JaduBlogs.dateFormat, which is set to d/m/Y by default. If no value is set in the database, the default jS F Y is used unless a value is defined in {JADU_HOME}/config/blog/config.yml:

theme: blogbase
fixture_set: blogbase
date_format: Y-m-d


- { resource: config.yml }