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Translating content

If you are assigned to a locale as a translator, you will receive items to translate from other admins.

When a new translation task is created, translators who could complete that work are emailed a link to the new task.

Items awaiting translation will also be shown within your Translation Task list.

To access your Translation Task list, try the following:

  1. Click the admin menu in the top toolbar, and select My Tasks.
  2. Click the Translations tab. A list of translation tasks assigned to you will be shown.
  3. Within the translation Galaxies site, clicking the task link in the list will open the task details page. The source site link will take you to the content that requires translation.
  4. Once a translated page has been created, select the new page from the Map to content box and click the Complete button to complete the task.

Translation tasks can be rejected by clicking the Reject button. This will close the task without creating a new mapping record.