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Advanced Directory Search


The core directory search functionality is limited to keyword and postcode searches, with results displayed on a separate page. The Advanced Directory Search add-on enhances directory searching with category filters and the ability to integrate results directly on page layouts.

Key Features

  • Advanced Search Widget: A new "Advanced Directory: Search" widget provides Keyword search and Directory category filters to narrow results
  • Results Integration Widget: The "Advanced Directory: Results" widget displays directory record information that matches the search criteria directly on the page. The fields shown in results are configurable.
  • Flexible Widget Placement: The search and results widgets can be placed on the same page layout or on separate pages.

directory widget directory results


By allowing users to filter directory searches by category in addition to keywords, the Advanced Directory Search makes it easier to find relevant directory listings. Displaying results directly on pages eliminates the need to navigate to a separate results page.

Improved directory search capabilities surface your directory data more effectively to users. The configurable results layout ensures you can customise how directory record information is presented.