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Debug Mode

When the debug option is enabled, all actions, errors, and available user attributes will be logged.

Debug Mode provides detailed authentication logs for troubleshooting but should be used with caution. Logs may contain sensitive user data, including SAML assertions and session identifiers, posing a security risk if accessed by unauthorised users. Keeping Debug Mode enabled can also impact performance and may lead to compliance issues with data protection regulations. It should only be enabled temporarily for diagnostics to minimise risk.

Logs can be accessed from the Log tab on the SAML Admin Authentication integration under Settings > System > Integrations Hub > SAML Admin Authentication.

Example SAML Admin Authentication debug log

Example Log Content

Log showing a successful login

In these logs you can see a trace of the users authentication from the start of the Single Sign-On (SSO) process, through the redirection to the Identity Provider (IdP), the response received back from the IdP, the verification of the response through to the matching of a user record and the successful authentication of the user.

DateTypeInfoTask ID
28/01/2025, 08:58:18InfoStarting SSO process9885016a-3926-4274-95f3-14ad5749d0bc
28/01/2025, 08:58:18InfoRedirecting user to IdP SSO url:
28/01/2025, 09:00:05InfoReceived response from IdP: SAMLResponse=RESPONSE&RelayState=RELAYSTATE16432098-28c8-4818-ba5c-97e5759d47e5
28/01/2025, 09:00:05InfoProcessing SAML SSO response from IdP16432098-28c8-4818-ba5c-97e5759d47e5
28/01/2025, 09:00:05InfoSAML response is valid, attempting to find or create Connect user with NameId: oO-Syd0KefzJ21SNoYtNgiL4kTza0UUDEoPtCUiQzIe16432098-28c8-4818-ba5c-97e5759d47e5
28/01/2025, 09:00:06InfoSubsequent login for user "oO-Syd0KefzJ21SNoYtNgiL4kTza0UUDEoPtCUiQzIe"16432098-28c8-4818-ba5c-97e5759d47e5
28/01/2025, 09:00:06InfoAuthentication successful, creating session for user example@example.net16432098-28c8-4818-ba5c-97e5759d47e5

Log showing an unsuccessful login

In these logs you can see a trace of the users sign in attempt. The Single Sign-On (SSO) process begins, the user is redirected to the Idenity Provider (IdP), a response is received back at Jadu Connect which is then verified. At this point the user is matched to an existing users email address but the user found is not setup with SAML Authentication. The sign in fails and an error is recorded in the log

User's email already in use for new user:, 

The user is not signed in and is redirected back to the Jadu Connect Admin Login page.

DateTypeInfoTask ID
27/01/2025, 15:53:19InfoStarting SSO process5fe797ec-f05d-410a-a879-dee92894f348
27/01/2025, 15:53:19InfoRedirecting user to IdP SSO url:
27/01/2025, 15:53:20InfoReceived response from IdP: SAMLResponse=RESPONSE&RelayState=RELAYSTATE4642e3de-cc32-45ed-9e94-007d314727ed
27/01/2025, 15:53:20InfoProcessing SAML SSO response from IdP4642e3de-cc32-45ed-9e94-007d314727ed
27/01/2025, 15:53:20InfoSAML response is valid, attempting to find or create Connect user with NameId: oO-Syd0KefzJ21SNoYtNgiL4kTza0UUDEoPtCUiQzIe4642e3de-cc32-45ed-9e94-007d314727ed
27/01/2025, 15:53:20ErrorUser's email already in use for new user:, oO-Syd0KefzJ21SNoYtNgiL4kTza0UUDEoPtCUiQzIe4642e3de-cc32-45ed-9e94-007d314727ed
27/01/2025, 15:53:20ErrorConnect authentication failed, redirecting user to: /q/login/admin4642e3de-cc32-45ed-9e94-007d314727ed

Reading the SAML Response

The response received from the Idenity Provider is recored in the log in the format it is recieved in. The string is URL Encoded and Base64 Encoded and in two parts, the SAMLResponse and the RelayState.

To read the response back

  1. URL Decode the response
  2. Discard SAMLResponse= from the start of the resulting string
  3. Discard &RelayState=... from the end of the resulting string
  4. Finally, Base64 decode the remaining string

The resulting string will contain the response from the Identity Provider similar to below:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<samlp:Response xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" ID="_89e2c6f6-671c-4e17-ab92-6b54d3950b22" Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2025-01-27T15:53:19.837Z" Destination="https://domain/q/login/admin/saml_admin_auth/acs" InResponseTo="ONELOGIN_81b9421f7f16dcf8fd71d6575d312791413887b6">
<Issuer xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"></Issuer>
<samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success"/>
<Assertion xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" ID="_4a495591-e7d1-4738-849c-f94d486b1d01" IssueInstant="2025-01-27T15:53:19.833Z" Version="2.0">
<Signature xmlns="">
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
<SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
<Reference URI="#_4a495591-e7d1-4738-849c-f94d486b1d01">
<Transform Algorithm=""/>
<Transform Algorithm=""/>
<DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
<NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent">oO-Syd0KefzJ21SNoYtNgiL4kTza0UUDEoPtCUiQzIe</NameID>
<SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">
<SubjectConfirmationData InResponseTo="ONELOGIN_81b9421f7f16dcf8fd71d6575d312791413887b6" NotOnOrAfter="2025-01-27T16:53:19.749Z" Recipient="https://domain/q/login/admin/saml_admin_auth/acs"/>
<Conditions NotBefore="2025-01-27T15:48:19.749Z" NotOnOrAfter="2025-01-27T16:53:19.749Z">
<Attribute Name="">
<Attribute Name="">
<Attribute Name="">
<AttributeValue>Helen Shaw</AttributeValue>
<Attribute Name="">
<Attribute Name="">
<Attribute Name="">
<Attribute Name="">
<Attribute Name="">
<AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="2025-01-27T14:48:19.837Z" SessionIndex="_4a495591-e7d1-4727-849f-f94d486b1d00">