Configuring Central, Connect and SAML User Accounts Together
To setup Single Sign-On (SSO) between Jadu Central, Jadu Connect and a SAML account complete these steps
Before you begin, ensure:
- Jadu Connect has been enabled and configured in the Control Centre for Jadu Central.
- SAML Admin Authentication has been enabled and configured in Jadu Connect.
After completing these steps, users will be able to sign in to both Jadu Central and Jadu Connect using their SAML account credentials. If "Bypass Login Page" is disabled, they must click the Login with... button under Alternative sign-in methods on the Jadu Connect Admin Login page. If enabled, users will be redirected directly to the SAML login page. For more details on authentication flows and user journeys, see Authentication Flows.
Step 1: Create an Admin Account in Jadu Central
In Jadu Central Control Centre:
- Click the Utilities icon in the left-hand navigation bar. The Utilities menu will open.
- Click the Admin Privileges link in the third group of links. A list of admins will now be shown, with links to create new admins if your account has the appropriate access permissions.
- Click the New Admin button. The admin entry form will open. Complete the form to create a profile for your administrator and Save the record.
Step 2: Create a User Account in Jadu Connect
In Jadu Connect:
- Open Settings > User Management > Users, a list of users will be shown, with an option to create a New User.
- Click the New User button. Complete the form and click Save to create a new user account.
Step 3: Link the Jadu Central Admin Account with the Jadu Connect User Account
In Jadu Central Control Centre:
- Click the Utilities icon in the left-hand navigation bar. The Utilities menu will open.
- Click the Admin Privileges link in the third group of links. A list of admins will now be shown.
- Locate the Admin from the list and open their record.
- Click Link External Account button, next to the Sign in with option.
- From the panel, select Jadu Connect button
- Enter the Jadu Connect user's email address in the Connect Email Address field. Select the user in the search results by checking the radio button next to their name.
- Click the Link Account button. The Connect Jadu Connect User panel will close.
Step 4: Link the Jadu Connect User Account with the SAML Account
In Jadu Connect:
- Open Settings > User Management > Users, a list of users will be shown.
- Locate the user account from the list of users and open the record.
- Enter the SAML ID into the SAML External ID field.
- Click the Save button to save the changes.