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Esri ArcGIS Enterprise UK Data Loader

Enable this integration for Jadu Connect to lookup Property and Street type addresses from Esri ArcGIS Enterprise using UK Data Loader.

Esri ArcGIS Enterprise UK Data Loader configuration

  • Enter the URLs of the Postcode Search Locator, Property Lookup Locator & Street Lookup Locator. Only Locators created using Esri UK Data Loader are supported
  • Enter Maximum number of Property results you wish to see for property lookups. Default is 10000
  • Enter Maximum number of Street results you wish to see for street lookups. Default is 500
  • By default, all property records returned by Esri ArcGIS for a given lookup will be returned. If it is required to exclude properties with certain logical statuses (e.g historical or provisional), enter the numeric codes for those logical statuses as a comma separated list.
  • Enter the number of seconds for which the property / street lookup results data should be cached.

Caching helps to reduce the number of requests sent to the web service and speeds up lookups, however the longer that results are cached for, the longer it will take for changes to the source address data to be reflected in address lookups in Jadu Connect.