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Address Finder

Enable this integration for Jadu Connect to lookup Property and Street type addresses using your own web services.

The corresponding specification for implementing your web services against is available online.

Address Finder configuration

  • Enter the authentication key that Jadu Connect should use when making requests to the web service
  • Enter the URL to the configuration file
  • Enter the number of seconds for which the configuration data should be cached.
  • Enter the number of seconds for which the property / street lookup results data should be cached.

Caching helps to reduce the number of requests sent to the web service and speeds up lookups, however the longer that results are cached for, the longer it will take for changes to the source address data to be reflected in address lookups in Jadu Connect.


When doing a data import, the property or street identifier that your address web service returns must be used as the address reference. This may or may not be the same as the UPRN / USRN.