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Publishing sites

Not all changes are made immediately to your site after it has been initially created. Some changes must be published before they become visible.

In addition, your site must be published at least once before the site can be made live, and available to site visitors.

Publishing the site

After you have selected, configured and saved your Galaxies site design, the site can be published.

When a site is published, Jadu Central will:

  • create the site's database if it does not already exist
  • update the system's webserver configuration so that requests for the microsite are shown correctly
  • update the site's configuration, including it's theme

To publish a site:

  1. Navigate to the Galaxies site management area.
  2. Select the site from the list by clicking the site name. The site record will open.
  3. Click the Publish (or Republish) button to publish the site.

After publishing the site, you will need to make it live in order to view it on the internet.

You will need to republish the site after:

  • amending the site's SSL settings
  • amending the site's password protection settings
  • amending the site's design

Making a site live

  1. Navigate to the Galaxies site management area.
  2. Select the site from the list by clicking the site name. The site record will open.
  3. Set the value of the Live dropdown to Yes.
  4. Click the Save button. The page will refresh and a success message shown.

If the live control is disabled, confirm that a theme has been selected, configured and saved, and then return to the Settings tab. The Live control should now be active.