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Installing Jadu Central on a Windows 2019 server

During the installation you have to specify the following:

  1. Installation path
  2. Package path
  3. IIS user and guest
  4. Jadu svc username and password
  5. Jadu IIS admin svc username and password
  6. Hostname
  7. Database host, port and driver name
  8. Database name for the application (we recommend jadudb)
  9. Database root username and password
  10. Database jadu username and password
  11. Database jaduGU username and password
  12. Database jaduGM username and password

Please enasure that Jadu svc username and password, and Jadu IIS admin svc username and password, do not contain characters such as " or @ to prevent issues with the post installation actions.

You have the option to either provide the details during the installation process or specify them in the params.yml file.

We highly recommend the installation path to be D:\intetpub\wwwroot\jadu.

Check your setup

Before you install it is highly recommended to run the check-setup command.

$ php installer.phar check-setup

Running the above command will check for some mandatory modules, make sure all the checks pass. If any of the checks fails then you will not be able to proceed with installation unless the failure is fixed.

## Run the installer

To install the application use the install command:

$ php installer.phar install

If you want verbose debugging messages to be shown during the installation then you can use -v, -vv or -vvv options.

Updating php.ini

Post installation we have to update the following php configurations assuming the install path was D:\inetpub\wwwroot\jadu

ConfigurationProposed value

Setting up the IIS site

The site requires SSL and hence you have to import your SSL certificate to the IIS and update the binding of the site so that you will be able to access the site using the right domain name from the browser.

After successful installation you will be able to visit the site [hostname]/jadu and start setting up the application.

Adding the task rescheduler

On ONE of your web nodes (ONLY) use the Windows Task Scheduler to add a daily task for a quiet local time in the day (e.g. 04:00am), to run the following command (where F:\inetpub\wwwroot\jadu is your root Jadu installation directory):


Please check that the path to the PHP executable is correct within the above .bat file when setting up this process.


Write access for SQL Server

SQLSTATE [42000, 5123]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 3(The system cannot find the path specified.) while attempting to open or create the physical file 'D:\MSSQL-JADU\DATA\jadudb_log.ldf'. SQLSTATE [42000, 1802]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.

Assuming the full path and file name are correct and actually exist, this error is caused by SQL Server being unable to either access or write to the specified path.

This may be caused by:

  • Unknown drive letter.
  • The account you specified for your SQL Server service does not have write permissions on the specified folder or part of it.
  • Lack of trust between domains.

Password character encoding

[WARNING] SQLSTATE [IMSSP, -47]: An error occurred translating the connection string to UTF-16: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page.

If you encounter this error, ensure that database account values are UTF-8 compatible and the installation should then proceed.