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Installing Jadu Central on a Linux server

During the installation you have to specify the following:

  1. Installation path
  2. Package path
  3. System user
  4. Group user
  5. Hostname
  6. Host alias
  7. TLS Certificate file
  8. TLS Private file
  9. TLS Chain file
  10. Database host, port
  11. Database name for the application
  12. Database root username and password
  13. Database jadu username and password
  14. Database jaduGU username and password
  15. Database jaduGM username and password

You have the option to either provide the details during the installation process or specify them in the params.yml file.

We highly recommend using the installation path to be /var/www/jadu.

Check your setup

Before you install it is highly recommended to run the check-setup command.

$ php installer.phar check-setup

Running this command will check for some mandatory modules, make sure all the checks pass. If any of the checks fails then you will not be able to proceed with installation unless the failure is fixed.

Run the installer

To install the application use the install command:

$ php installer.phar install

If you want verbose debugging messages to be shown during the installation then you can use -v, -vv or -vvv options.

After successful installation you will be able to visit the site [hostname]/jadu and start setting up the application.