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Search Adapters

Search adapters generate search results for the frontend website search. They can pull data in from third party search engines and display those results in the website's templates.

Creating a search adapter class

Create a PHP class that implements Jadu\Service\Search\AdapterInterface and extends Jadu\Service\Search\Adapter\AbstractAdapter. An example search adapter is provided in the developer training GitHub repository.

The search() method on the adapter is invoked when a user submits a search query. It should retrieve results, format them and return them to the search template controller. The object returned should be an instance of RupaSearchResult.

For example:

public function search()
$input = ServiceContainer::getInstance()->getInput();

$searchResults = $this->getSearchService()->search(
$input->get('quoteQuery', null),
$input->get('orQuery', null),
$input->get('excludeWords', null),
intval($input->get('startNum', 1)),
intval($input->get('numToShow', 10))

$results = new RupaSearchResult();
$results->documentsFound = $searchResults->getTotal();
$results->time = $searchResults->getTime();
$results->startNumber = $searchResults->getStart();
$results->endNumber = $searchResults->getEnd();

foreach ($searchResults->getItems() as $item) {
// $results->resultItems[] = ...

return $results;

Each result item should be created as an instance of RupaResultItem.

For example:

$resultItem = new RupaResultItem();
$resultItem->mime = '';
$resultItem->setTitle('Result one');
$resultItem->setSnippet('A short description or snippet from the result.');

$results->resultItems[] = $resultItem;

Some search providers return alternative search term suggestions - such as when a user has misspelt a word in their query. These can be processed and included in the result set by creating a new instance of RupaResultsSpellingSuggestion) for each term.

For example:

$spelling = new RupaResultSpellingSuggestion();

$results->spellingSuggestions[] = $spelling;

For full compatibility with the search templates, the following RupaSearchResult properties should be set by the search adapter class:

documentsFoundThe number of results being returned by this search
timeThe time taken to complete the search
startNumberThe number of the first item returned in this result object
endNumberThe number of the last item returned in this result object
spellingSuggestionsAn array of spelling suggestion objects
resultItemsAn array of search result objects

Enabling the search adapter

The active search adapter is controlled by the value of the SEARCH_ADAPTER constant. If the constant is an empty string, the application falls back to native Jadu Central search adapter

To use your own search adapter, the constant should be set to the fully qualified class name of the search adapter class.