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System requirements for Central 1

Jadu Central is tested and supported only on the versions listed in the table below. Any other versions that are not listed, including but not limited to Windows or SQL Server 'Service Pack' releases, are considered to not be supported.

Before you install Jadu Central, you must make sure that your system complies with the following requirements:


CPU4 cores (or 4 vCPU)
Memory requirements8 GB RAM
Hard disk requirements
  • Operating system: 50GB
  • Database directory: 50GB
  • CMS directory: 150GB
  • CentOS 7
  • Apache 2.4
  • Redis 6 or Memcache
  • Hunspell
  • ClamAV (recommended)
The application will also require access to an SMTP server.
DatabaseMariaDB 10.5
PHPPHP 7.4 + additional modules to enable/install:
  • bcmath
  • curl
  • enchant
  • fileinfo
  • intl
  • ldap
  • mbstring
  • mysqlnd
  • opcache
  • openssl
  • php-fpm
  • soap
  • xml
  • xml-rpc
  • zip
Apache modules
  • access_compat_module
  • alias_module
  • allowmethods_module
  • auth_basic_module
  • authn_file_module
  • core_module
  • deflate_module
  • expires_module
  • headers_module
  • http_module
  • include_module
  • log_config_module
  • mime_module
  • mpm_event_module
  • negotiation_module
  • proxy_module
  • proxy_fcgi_module
  • rewrite_module
  • so_module
  • ssl_module
  • version_module


CPUDatabase server: 4 cores (or 4 vCPU)
Webserver: 4 cores
Memory requirementsDatabase server: 8 GB
Webserver: 8 GB
Hard disk requirementsDatabase server:
  • 60GB (OS)
  • 50GB (Database Directory)
  • 60GB (OS)
  • 150GB (CMS Directory)
  • Microsoft® Windows Server 2019
  • .Net Framework 4
  • IIS 10
  • Memurai 2
  • ClamAV (recommended)
The application will also require access to an SMTP server.
Additional drivers and services:
DatabaseMicrosoft® SQL Server 2019
PHPPHP 7.4 + additional modules to enable/install:
  • bcmath
  • curl
  • enchant
  • fileinfo
  • intl
  • ldap
  • mbstring
  • opcache
  • openssl
  • php-fpm
  • soap
  • sqlsrv
  • xml
  • xml-rpc
  • zip
  • APCu
Note: the wincache extension, if present, must be disabled. For use with IIS and FastCGI the x64 Non Thread Safe version of PHP is required.