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Person notes

Person Notes can be used to record important information about the customer.

Notes are not visible to customers.

To add a new note:

Person notes

From the Notes tab in the Person Record select New Note.

Adding a person note

You can add the following information to a note:

  • Title: A clear title indicating the subject of the note.
  • Text: Any detailed information that needs to be recorded.
  • Attachments: Any relevant documents that you need to attach to the note.

Once you have added everything that you need click on Save to generate the note.

Saved person note

The note will be added to the Notes listing. At this point you can also:

  • Make Person Alert: Where the content of the note is critical and needs to be seen by anyone dealing with the customer you can add it as an alert that will appear at the top of the Person Record and any cases associated with it.
  • Pin To Top: You can pin a note to the top of the Notes list where it contains important information.

Person alert

A Person Alert prominently indicates that there is important information that staff need to be aware of.