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Updating or transitioning a case status

The status of a case can be updated / changed in a number of ways.

Changing case status

You can select Change case status from the Actions menu.

Changing case status

The select the new status from the dropdown list before clicking on Confirm.

Changing case status

Depending on the case workflow you may be required to add additional information when changing the status (e.g. the reason for the delay, etc.)

Changing case status

You can also change the status of a case by applying a transition - these will be key 'calls to action' that allow you to progress and update the case.

Changing case status

You may be required to add additional infromation when applying a transition. This may be either via a Jadu Connect case form or an internal XForm.

Changing case status

Finally, you can change the case status by selecting Change status in the Timeline.

Changing case status

You will need to select the status from the dropdown list.