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Webhooks, Integrations Hub & Integrations Server

These are all used to send/receive information from another of your line of business systems from and into Jadu Connect.


Webhooks currently only support ‘user’ actions (i.e. when a user is created or updated). Future development is to trigger updates to other platforms when a case action occurs within Jadu Connect.


Integrations Hub

The Integrations Hub is where integration between Jadu Connect and other line of business systems are configured. An early decision for any implementation is what address data source will be integrated into Jadu Connect. Configuration is via a settings pages for each integration.

Integrations Hub

Integrations Server

The Integrations Server option will be used to configure Jadu Connect with business systems that are on-premise. To integrate with on-premise systems an application (Hub Integration Server also known as HUBis) will likley be installed on-premise. It is via this software that Jadu Connect can be joined to multiple business systems if required. HUBis can also be hosted remotely by Jadu.

Integrations Server

New Integrations

With any integration either via the Integration Hub or via Hub Integration Server where it requires Jadu to develop an integration with a new system or a new version of an existing system the customer is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Provision of API and business process documentation for Line of Business systems to be integrated with
  • Provision of APIs to both Test and Live instances of Line of Business systems.
  • Test data for integration testing
  • Management of line of business solutions
  • Providing Jadu will at least 60 days notice when integrated line of business systems are upgraded
  • Remote access to Line of Business Systems