Twig Templates for Person & Address Information
If you have a requirement for either a dashboard column that is displayed or for information to be included in a CSV export then the following Twig code can be used to create 'Twig Template' column types for the following subset of person and address information.
Person Attribute
Address Attribute
House{% if case.addressRelationships|length > 0 %}
{{ case.addressRelationships|first.address.paon }}
{% endif %}
Note: this may not work correctly for flats depending on how the flat address has been captured.
{% if case.addressRelationships|length > 0 %}
{{ case.addressRelationships|first.address.street }}
{% endif %}
{% if case.addressRelationships|length > 0 %}
{{ case.addressRelationships|first.address.locality }}
{% endif %}
{% if case.addressRelationships|length > 0 %}
{{ case.addressRelationships| }}
{% endif %}
{% if case.addressRelationships|length > 0 %}
{{ case.addressRelationships|first.address.postCode }}
{% endif %}
{% if case.addressRelationships|length > 0 %}
{{ case.addressRelationships|first.address.uprn }}
{% endif %}