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How do I know if a letter is required?

If you have created a workflow that has notifications however persons associated to that workflow may not have an email address how do you identify them so a letter can be generated?

Currently this would be achieved using a CSV export that would require a dashboard column showing whether there is an email address that could be used in a notification. If your rule is just to send a notification to an assigned user then a 'Twig Template' dashboard column will be required. The code needed for this column would be:


To create an 'email' column that would capture all permutations of email then this twig code will check whether there is 1) an online user associated email address then 2) an email address linked to the person record and then 3) any email field stored as a case field. If all return a blank then no email notification can be generated:

{% if case.personRelationships is not empty and case.personRelationships|first.person.user %}
{{ case.personRelationships| }}
{% elseif case.personRelationships is not empty and case.personRelationships| is not empty %}
{{ case.personRelationships| }}
{% elseif case.values.fieldname %}
{{ case.values.fieldname }}
{% endif %}

On the dashboard view the addition of the Email field will identify those cases where the person associated to a case will not be receiving email notifications. Where there is a 'blank' email then on an individual case-by-case basis a letter can be generated via the letter tab.

Alternatively the CSV export tool can export all cases for a particular filter. By sorting the exported CSV to exclude all populated (non-blank) email fields the remaining cases will be all the records where email notification will not be generated/received. For these a tool such as mail-merge in MS Word could be used to generate a bulk printed notification.

Other Twig templates to return address information for external letter generation should also be created.